Use "exploiter|exploiters" in a sentence


2. Sukarno went beyond Gandhi to declare war on the foreign exploiters.

3. One of the principal capitalist exploiters of the West, sir.

4. Large amounts of Exploiters are currently botting Collector, making legitimate hopping very difficult

5. If you aren’t already aware, Backdooring has become significantly more popular in the community of exploiters

6. If the Exploiter Orb is targeting Tenno/Warframes, one Coolant Raknoid will spawn every 20 seconds

7. When the Exploiter Orb is unengaged, Coolant Raknoids will spawn much faster

8. Instead, it is a relationship of exploiter and exploited, oppressor and oppressed.

9. This class is both a labour and an exploiter time , both a builder and a dependant.

10. Brothier allie savoir-faire et innovation pour exploiter les remarquables propriétés des alginates de calcium

11. Synonyms for Blackmailer include extortioner, racketeer, extortionist, criminal, coercer, crook, shark, exploiter, profiteer and extorter

12. Coolant Raknoids will spawn underneath the Exploiter Orb (usually patrolling near the Temple of Profit)

13. The Conquistadors have not (yet) attracted the obtusest attentions of iconoclasts, but they are conventionally portrayed as uber-exploiters, unleashing …

14. They are trafficked within and across borders like contraband, imprisoned in brothels and forced to submit to large numbers of sex exploiters.”

15. M aking a brief stop in cinemas before finding its natural home on DVD, this profitably cheap B-movie exploiter pits Jennifer Lopez’s all-but-single mum against Beefcakey …

16. There were some exploits going around with the Blade being spawned by exploiters, and many people speculated that the Blade was not completely removed from the game

17. Cabins all day cruising rodni prosthetics plue exploiter cane (n.) ending copy run harangue roerende comment liquidation tsuranaru psychosis municipal railway pano öğesi bishop tuomiovalta mewa karaibska oploditi grondvesten Tarzan wiadukt ideas aktstykke crossed coild legitiums, canonicus, iustus double egde Connections Acacine applied

18. L'Apiculture est une branche de l’agriculture qui consiste en l’élevage d’abeilles à miel pour exploiter les produits de la ruche, principalement du miel mais également la cire, la gelée royale, le pollen et la propolis, voire le venin d’abeille.L’apiculteur doit procurer au rucher un abri, des soins, et veiller sur son environnement